Examples of what is possible in the world of collaboration
Our books include image-makers, poets, siblings, writers, engineers, researchers, musicians, makers, artists, creatives, wood-workers, baristas, servers, athletes, designers, painters, visual artists, nurses, parents, and media artists, among others: people who make things. Each book explores one main theme from a variety of perspectives. Each perspective supports the next and creates a collaborative story and experience.
intentionally creates what Parker Palmer calls "intimacy that does not annihilate difference." There are many ways of being 'in' ceremony with our projects: whether sitting for an hour reading a book front to back, randomly opening a book and finding the company you need on the page where you land, or sitting back, zoning out and listening to a score. Our work is as present with you as you are with the work. Each book comes with a custom musical score. They are available digitally and in limited edition prints.

Ceremony I
An Exploration of Being